Tuesday, October 23, 2012

More North and South? Yes, please! (edit)

***This is what I get for writing posts late at night. "Southern Hemisphere" times is not what I meant on that middle poll. Or course I was thinking Oceania or Australasia and that made me think Down Under which led my brain to South Pacific for some reason and pretty soon I was singing "I'm as corny as Kansas in August" and the whole thing just went south from there. Apologies! ***

Helpful Time Zone map is here.

Have you looked at the Armitage Watch calendar lately? We are fast approaching the end of #GuyWatch. If you don't want to click over, I'll just tell you - the last three episodes are next Friday. I know, I know. Guy! Then the Captain America Watch will be Saturday night. Details for #HeinzWatch will be in tomorrow's post.

This post is to ask: What do you think of another North and South Watch? There's been some chatter about it around Twitter, but so far no decisions have been made. After Captain America, we have no more Watches scheduled, which leaves us with more than six weeks open before The Hobbit starts showing to general audiences around the world.

Are these fabrics from Marlborough Mills? Only John Thornton knows for sure...

And so, a poll. Please see the sidebar to answer these questions:

If you are in favor of another tweet-along watching of North and South, which weekend do you prefer?

Which day and what time of day are you most likely to participate?

Do we need to have the Watch over several days/time zones similar to the first Watch?

Feel free to leave a comment if there is something you want addressed that is not part of the poll.

If there isn't much enthusiasm for the idea of a second N&S Watch, we'll revisit the topic in a few months.
Please help spread the word. Thank you.

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